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We survived. Just barely.

Today was a very, very long day for Ms. Charlotte as she started a new school.  We had spent 3 days last week visiting so she would be familiar with faces and the environment, but she was still an exhausted hot mess when I walked past her room around 5:20pm and I just couldn't ignore the crying -- I had to go in and acknowledge what a long day she had been having and that her Daddy would be there soon to pick her up.  Luckily, Porch walked in the door just a few minutes later.  She was a sobbing, screaming puddle of toddler as he walked out of the door with her and without me & she realized I was staying behind (I worked until 6:30 tonight).

Thankfully, I am right there and know that she had an awesome first day.  She was apprehensive and cried a few times, but all things considered (she's 19 months, hasn't been away from me since December (seriously), and was exhausted going into the day) -- she rocked it.  Transitions and change are hard for toddlers and adults alike.

One thing I love is that the program uses the Tadpole app which sends me pictures and her daily sheet each day so I can see what she's been up to.  They also have all-day video access to the classrooms via website so Porch (and I, I guess) can peek into the room to see what's going on!

This is the picture I got tonight!  Look at this big girl with her crayons!

She only slept for 1.5 hours at nap time and was up all night last night so I know for a fact that this kiddo is tired.  Tomorrow, we have to be up and out the door by 5:30 to get there (and Starbucks because whaaaaaaat?!) on time.  I kept her up just a little longer than usual tonight with the hope that she'll sleep straight through 'til morning.

Here's hoping we can make tomorrow great!  If the weather cooperates, maybe she & I can get one of our walks in. I missed her face today like crazy.

But... we lived.



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