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Watch for the firework

3 years ago,  our life with infertility was a secret.  It was one of the most emotional days of my life.  Today, I cuddle my bug and remember the battle to get here, to this messy land of parenting.  I wouldn't trade it for anything.

3 years ago today, I walked into the surgical center at 900 N. Michigan with a bladder full of pee, a heart full of hope, and an empty uterus.  Not many folks can tell you the moment they became pregnant and for as sad and empty as infertility can feel, it was magical to see that "firework" on the ultrasound.  I'm kidding - I could barely even see it, even with the good Dr. TK pointing directly at the screen.  It was pretty cool to know that I was PUPO (Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise) and walked out of that sterile environment with a new mix of hope and anxiety and this ultrasound that was signed by Dr. TK with "GL."  When I asked him what that meant, he looked at me like I was crazy and said, "Good luck, of course."  It was the first day of our greatest adventure.

I still have this ultrasound.
I probably always will.
It's Charlie's first picture!!

That joy and excitement has me feeling like maybe I'm ready for another great adventure.  Now please don't go running off think that we're pregnant or even trying.  We're excited about researching our options here in Wisconsin and making a plan that works for us.  I don't have a good understanding of what an FET (frozen embryo transfer) fully entails... I do plan to share details along the way with those of you going through this struggle as well.  I love thinking about the possibility of having 5 children (sorry Porch) and what would happen if we had twins.  I think I'm finally in a place where the excitement can outweigh the fear.

If you're in the Milwaukee area & have a good recommendation of an RE, we would love to hear from you!

Happy Thanksgiving Week, Friends!
Mama Porch


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