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The Best Kind of Sunday

Today was the best kind of Sunday; it was super low-key and obligation-free.  We woke up and went to breakfast (though the service was kinda 'eh' and we ended up taking our food to go as we prefer not to subject Charlotte to exceedingly long wait times that result in a shit show) and then went through the drive-through at Dunkin' Donuts on our way home to reward ourselves for having patience.  ;)  We played and then decided a rest was called for but my dear Charlie just could not rest her body so we decided to take a car ride over to Half Price Books so I could purchase books for the classroom we're opening tomorrow at school.  It was fun & I feel like the room will have a solid start, literacy wise.  Quality books are important to me; it hurts my heart when early childhood classrooms have books that are in shambles.  I get it, kids eat books, and they should.  But when books are beyond repair, let them go.

We got about an hour of nap from Charlie and gave her some lunch before she headed to Pick 'n' Save with Porch to get a few things for the week.  We're working our way through the pantry & freezer backlog so we're getting creative, which is kind of nice budget-wise!  Hey, can I just tell you that I am currently obsessed with butternut squash from Costco?  I roast it in the oven at like 425 for 45 minutes and HOLY GOODNESS.  I could probably eat the entire 2 pound container in one sitting.  So good.

The rain finally stopped for a hot minute so we put on our gear and went outside.  Porch pulled up some plants in the front and Charlie... supervised.  Then we pulled out her car and took her for a walk, during which she decided that she'd like to walk as well.  We stomped in puddles, even especially mud puddles.  When we got back, Porch and Charlie played in the back for a while and I finished up some laundry (I swear, that stuff never ends -- it just keeps restarting).

Dinner tonight is homemade pizza (our attempt to use up the 900 bags of cheese in the fridge and the sauce and sausage that's leftover from when my mom was here on Thursday and made little pizzas with Charlotte).

We'll wind down with some Paw Patrol friends hiding in eggs (trust me, this warrants its own damn post) and then pajamas for everyone before we cuddle in for some stories and sleep.  I'm looking forward to Big Little Lies and relaxing into the night to prepare for what promises to be an exciting week.

I Love You Stinky Face

(On a fertility note, I should be going for blood work sometime this week so they can submit our claim to insurance and get the party started.  Then I anticipate 3 weeks of birth control and 3 weeks of hormones before the big firework show that is a frozen embryo transfer.  Let's hope for a boring story during which everything goes according to plan and blah blah blah -- baby.)

Happy Sunday, friends.
Mama Porch


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