A lazy Sunday over here today. We ventured to Costco and then putzed around outside. It was warm-ish (like 50F) so it was nice to not need 100 layers, but still kind of chilly. I even opened some windows this morning just to get some fresh air into the house.
Suburban Dad: watering grass seed on a Sunday morning "GET OFF MY YARD!" |
We enjoyed our raspberry plants so much last year that we decided to add a blueberry bush! |
Caught her red-handed as she watered our planter... with bubbles. |
Having a conversation with the bird. Poor bird was trying to get back to her nest. |
She dropped her Shopkin off on the rock and then walked away. |
The nest. It drives me crazy, but it's nice at the same time. |
Nana and Papa stopped by on their way home from the cabin & Charlotte fought her nap before their arrival. She finally crashed around 3:30pm. Needless to say, it's going to be a fun evening. We're expecting rain, rain, and more rain in the coming days so we wanted to seize our opportunity to be outside. Laundry is almost done, dinner should be relatively easy... I don't have to work until 9:30 tomorrow... all things considered, I should be relaxed & ready to go come Monday morning! I just need to get some decent sleep. Porch and Charlie are upstairs napping but I know myself well enough to know that if I nap, I'm going to feel worse. I'm terrible with napping. I say "Oh, I'll just do that 20 minute power nap thing," but when my alarm goes off in 20 minutes, I hit snooze and then sleep for 6 hours. It's ugly. I'll just putz around and read my book and enjoy that it's 4:15 on a Sunday and I have nothing to do.
Mama Porch
She is just the cutest!! Love her rubber boots. So far Bowen hates his..ugh.