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As told by Porch

Got to break up a geriatic knife fight today at Sendiks. yup, both had walkers and all.

I went in to get some bday supplies (bourbon and octoberfest) and noticed an old black genteman with a walker being gestured at by an old white guy in a Malibu. Didn't think anything of it.

I come back out, and they're arguingin the aisle directly behind my truck. I pause to see what's happening and it quickly becomes apparent that there is drama. It appears the old white guy started following the old black guy on the freeway, and he pulled into Sendiks to ditch him. The old white apparently waited for him to come back out.

It seems the old white guy thought he knew the old black guy and was pissed about something. He kept insisting that the old black guy lived in Muskego, despite him saying he's lived in the same house in Milwaukee for 35 years.

They proceed to calling each other crazy (they are) and the old white guy opens a knife saying "this is how i deal with crazy people".

I took this as my cue, and walked up to them. I got between them, and told the old white guy to put it away and he's obviously mistaken. The guy drives off, and the other gentlemen proceeds to tell me about how he was being followed. I waited with him until i saw the old white guy actually drive off.

While most days in the suburbs are boring, on occasion they can be interesting.


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