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Slack'a'lackin' {11 weeks}

Man, you guys. Remember when I was pregnant with Charlie and you got updates each week, posted on the first day with the week with pictures and information about changes and symptoms? Ha. Listen, to be fair, this kid has spent 11 weeks making me want to sleep and vomit so it's only fair that we have no record of this time.  I've been taking that B6 and Unisom and have been able to keep it together enough to function but definitely not bringing anything near what one would consider an A game. Maybe like a C game? B+ at the very best.

So, let's start documenting this adventure. I won't lie - part of me is still terrified that if I post about this and get super excited, something will go wrong. I know my anti-anxiety medication is definitely helping me in this area but there's still that lingering fear and doubt. But today, I am VERY much pregnant. And it is the eve of the 11th week so I thought we better mark it with a post.

11 Weeks

Symptoms: Vomit. All of the vomit. My dry-heaving has developed nicely and I know my triggers so no turtlenecks, necklaces, sweaters with any kind of collar, I can't wear my hat with my hair down because it makes my hair touch my neck and then I start the heave-ho process. No joke, this is my daily struggle.

Bonus: I haven't gained much weight because there isn't much I can tolerate.

Cravings: Nothing consistently, but I do find that I need picture menus to make choices and will often lean towards strong flavors over bland foods.

Maternity clothes and LuLaRoe are life. I busted those bad boys out almost immediately after peeing on a stick. I won't lie, it was a struggle for me to put them away after Charlie was born.

Baby is the size of: I have no idea, the size of a kumquat during week 10. I have never encountered a kumquat in real life so.... google it, okay?

I don't know, but folks are starting to comment on my "bump" and I just don't have the heart to tell them that no, that's not a bump, that's residual baby fat from the last go-round. So yeah, it's a bump. Yep. Just don't f*$%@ing touch me. That's true when I'm pregnant and also when I'm not.

Looking forward to... I have an appointment in December but I don't know if that's an ultrasound appointment. I know I have to call and schedule our 20 week ultrasound and decide if we want to do genetic screening. Super on the fence with this - I'm open to any feedback.

Okay guys, so the truth is - I'm actually writing this during my class and I'm probably about to be called on and look like a goof so I'm going to let this end here.

Peace out, homies!


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