We've been quiet, that's for sure. I won't lie, it's because I am either throwing up -or- googling to see what's going on and finding out what's wrong with me and/or baby. Yes, I know better. No, I don't think I can actually stop. Not until I get another peek in there & can feel assured that everything is going well. Shouldn't I feel assured by this nausea and exhaustion? I would if those weren't also possible side effects of the medications I take until 10 weeks. But alas, here we are!
Let's just put this out there, we picked Charlotte before Charlotte was a princess. ;) And I'm not sure that the royal baby will ever be called Charlie or Charlie Bug and I'm even more certain that I don't care what they named their kid. It's just about to be an amazingly popular baby name and we were TOTES ahead of that trend. Charlotte is 9 months old already! Stats Weight: 20 lbs, 12 oz (86.13 %ile) Length: 29.75 inches (98.75 %ile) Head circumference: 18.23 inches (96.69 %ile) This girl is perfect. She is proportional and amazingly squishy. Teeth: still just the 2 lower, but I'm confident she'll have a few top teeth soon. She's been a drool machine lately and everything is back to being in her mouth. Charlotte likes... ... walking around the house (holding mama and daddy's fingers) ... Army crawling, especially when she can pull on the high pile carpet in her room ... those Gerber wheel treat things ... bath time ...
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