We can all see it.
We know when someone we love is in an unhealthy relationship.
But why is it not until that relationship hits the bottom that we express our true thoughts? I know we don't want to squash others' happiness, I get that. And we all need to make our mistakes, I get that too. Further, I've come to appreciate that we shouldn't throw out obscenities about someone's ex because if that person comes back into the picture and then we just look like bitches. We don't want to meddle. Sure.
But I'm at a point in my life where I expect and hope that those who love me most will be secure enough in our relationship to be able to say --- WTF are you thinking?! Most of them do. I've come to rely on my mother's infinite wisdom, though it pained me when I realized I had been wrong all those years in doubting her. Sometimes we can't see the forest for the trees and need an honest (and sensitive) reality check.
So back to those craptastic relationships: they extend beyond romantic relationships. You can be in many crappy relationships & I know this because I've participated in a few myself.
You can have a crappy friendship. (check.)
You can have a crappy romantic relationship. (check.)
Shoot, you can have a crappy relationship with yourself. (discount double check)
You can have crappy coworkers (I'm pretty fortunate in this area). (check)
You can have a disastrously crappy relationship with substances. (check)
And finally? Here I am, in my boat, having a crappy relationship with food (which is technically a substance).
* waves from boat *
I suspect that my less than fabulous relationship stems from a stressful work environment in which I will eat to calm myself down and to focus and to deal and ... just because. Having a desk is a new thing for me and weird. Being sedentary for so long during the day has taken a toll. Though I have to say, I've been opening this week and I kind of enjoying waking up early. What. Did. I. Just. Say?! Clearly I'm sick.
I need to take better advantage of opportunities for movement. I sometimes go outside with the toddler/two's just to get my own body moving and I can engage them in some exercise as well. But at the end of the day when I get home, I'm burned out. I have 0 energy left for the fun stuff I like to do & often find myself on the couch, surfing imgfave or Pinterest for ideas for projects I'll likely never get to do because of this lack of energy. And the TV just sucks me into that cycle further.
I hate New Years Resolutions. They're stupid and never work and often leave people feeling like failures because they've set ridiculously unattainable goals. So this isn't what it sounds like, I'm not resolving to give up food. (Are you serious? Have we met?) Instead, I'm resolving to pay attention to what/when/why I'm eating and to take better care of this hot body. =) And maybe, just maybe, I can cut the TV out of my daily routine. There's a novel idea. I'm also considering going back to school for my Infant Toddler Certificate at Erikson which would surely keep me busy and on the move. Stay tuned on that one...
What unhealthy relationships are you currently indulging? Are you in one?

We know when someone we love is in an unhealthy relationship.
But why is it not until that relationship hits the bottom that we express our true thoughts? I know we don't want to squash others' happiness, I get that. And we all need to make our mistakes, I get that too. Further, I've come to appreciate that we shouldn't throw out obscenities about someone's ex because if that person comes back into the picture and then we just look like bitches. We don't want to meddle. Sure.
But I'm at a point in my life where I expect and hope that those who love me most will be secure enough in our relationship to be able to say --- WTF are you thinking?! Most of them do. I've come to rely on my mother's infinite wisdom, though it pained me when I realized I had been wrong all those years in doubting her. Sometimes we can't see the forest for the trees and need an honest (and sensitive) reality check.
So back to those craptastic relationships: they extend beyond romantic relationships. You can be in many crappy relationships & I know this because I've participated in a few myself.
You can have a crappy friendship. (check.)
You can have a crappy romantic relationship. (check.)
Shoot, you can have a crappy relationship with yourself. (discount double check)
You can have crappy coworkers (I'm pretty fortunate in this area). (check)
You can have a disastrously crappy relationship with substances. (check)
And finally? Here I am, in my boat, having a crappy relationship with food (which is technically a substance).
* waves from boat *
I suspect that my less than fabulous relationship stems from a stressful work environment in which I will eat to calm myself down and to focus and to deal and ... just because. Having a desk is a new thing for me and weird. Being sedentary for so long during the day has taken a toll. Though I have to say, I've been opening this week and I kind of enjoying waking up early. What. Did. I. Just. Say?! Clearly I'm sick.
I need to take better advantage of opportunities for movement. I sometimes go outside with the toddler/two's just to get my own body moving and I can engage them in some exercise as well. But at the end of the day when I get home, I'm burned out. I have 0 energy left for the fun stuff I like to do & often find myself on the couch, surfing imgfave or Pinterest for ideas for projects I'll likely never get to do because of this lack of energy. And the TV just sucks me into that cycle further.
I hate New Years Resolutions. They're stupid and never work and often leave people feeling like failures because they've set ridiculously unattainable goals. So this isn't what it sounds like, I'm not resolving to give up food. (Are you serious? Have we met?) Instead, I'm resolving to pay attention to what/when/why I'm eating and to take better care of this hot body. =) And maybe, just maybe, I can cut the TV out of my daily routine. There's a novel idea. I'm also considering going back to school for my Infant Toddler Certificate at Erikson which would surely keep me busy and on the move. Stay tuned on that one...
What unhealthy relationships are you currently indulging? Are you in one?
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