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Trying to Catch Up | Snow Day Envy

As I sat at work today, slaving away, solving the many problems in early childhood, Wisconsin residents were enjoying and continue to enjoy [and if they aren't enjoying it, they suck] wicked amounts of snow.  I'm talkin' blizzard -- over a foot of snow today.

The Facebook pictures were nauseating as I saw drifts that covered cars and garage doors and then turned my head ever so slowly towards the window, hoping for even a solitary snowflake... and saw nothing.  Well, it did rain all day.  So there's that.

Most schools were closed in Wisco & I have many teacher friends on Facebook (maybe I should delete them) who made it difficult to concentrate as they announced their double snow day.  Double?  Are you kiddin' me?  It was a big deal a few years back when Chicago got nailed with that blizzard and Lake Shore Drive was a hot mess -- Chicago Public Schools closed for the first time in like a million years (and for two days!!!) which was newsworthy.  We don't close.  Ever.

People were taunting me with their baking, their mugs of coffee while watching shitty Lifetime movies, blah blah blah.  I decided to be domesticated this fine rainy evening and stopped to pick up some real food for dinner.  [Chicken's in the oven now, Porch better be home by 8 or he's outta luck.]  Then I thought, Hey, everyone else is baking!  I want to make something too!


Cake Batter Krispies
Read:  the easiest, most delicious treat ever

6 C puffed rice cereal
3 T butter
1 (10oz) bag of marshmallows
1/4 C dry yellow cake mix -- don't add the other crap, just the mix
sprinkles (!!!)

Like always, melt your butter & then add the marshmallows.  When they've melted, add the cake mix gradually.  Then, add your cereal and cover completely with the goo you've just created.  Yum.  Smells like birthday.

Press that into a greased 9x13 pan & let cool.  I sprinkled mine right away so they really stick on there.

I love sprinkles.
75% of the time when I try to type sprinkles, I accidentally put the
e before the L and it looks silly -- sprinkels. :)

Burning my new yummy candle from B-ren -- Marshmallow Fireside.
Smells kinda like s'mores!  Or krispie treats!

They're going to be my treat for our cookie exchange on Christmas Eve at work.  Excited to share!!

So there.  I baked today too.  And worked 10 hours.  And ya know what?  I didn't even have to shovel.  So in your face, Wisconsin!

xoxo (omg, aren't you so sad that Gossip Girl ended?!)
Mrs. Porch


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