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Big Ideas

I've officially been on vacation for 2 hours and 15 minutes and already am drawing comparisons between my coffee cup & Essie nail polish (they're identical and I kind of love it).  Clearly, I need some bigger ideas of what makes a good staycation because the joy of having my morning coffee from a "real" mug as opposed to my customary travel mug is kind of weaning.

They are almost a 100% match.
Mint Candy Apple by Essie for curious minds.
I already considered, now 2 hours and 18 minutes in, going into the office to see if I forgot to do anything.  Nothing would drive my team crazier faster than my popping in all week to check in on them so I'll just keep waiting for them to call or write or miss me... I assume this is what parenting feels like, no?  Whatever.

In an effort to save my sanity as well as Porch's, perhaps I should construct a wish list of shit I'd like to accomplish while off of work for this 2 week window.  Side note:  I don't think I've ever taken 2 weeks off of work except when I had my major surgery (which you can read about here).  I took a long weekend for our wedding and a week when we went to Mexico.  This is kind of a big deal to me.

Mrs. Porch's Wish List of Shit to Accomplish (So poetic):

  • Clean & organize the guest bedroom closet
    • I am fairly certain I will find treasure in there.  We moved in a year ago and I think there's at least 1 box in there still.
  • Organize the craft room
    • Things have gotten a touch... como se dice... out of hand.
    • While it's "mine" and holds [several] "works in progress," it looks like a tornado went through and I know for a fact that the closet in that room just has a bunch of shit jammed into it.  I'd be much happier if I organized.

  • Organize our closet
    • Yes, it's March 25th and yes it's spring.  All things considered, I'm not quite ready to swap lighter clothing for my beloved winter sweaters.  It snowed yesterday   I'll just get ready for the process and make sure everything is clean, organized, and ready.  Let's be serious, I only have 2 weeks.
  • Read an entire professional development book 
    • I just recently finished The Emotional Life of the Toddler and found it to be enlightening as well as a great tool for facilitating conversation with staff about the behavioral development of our tiny peeps.  I highly recommend it.
    • My NAEYC comprehensive membership benefits have [finally] started paying off and I just got the newest book, From Play to Practice.  It's a skinny little thing and I'm hoping it'll be a quick read so I can share it at the office when I return.
    • I also need to [embarrassingly enough] finish reading Mind in the Making by Ellen Galinsky.  I started and then got swept into everything at work and need to finish.
  • Make a dinner I find on Pinterest
    • I love to cook and often spend lots and lots of time pinning new ideas that look quick and easy and when I get home from work have no flippin' desire to look it up and try something I don't know will work.  I'm tired!  And hungry!  I'll stick to what we know!  Get ready, Porch, because we're getting' creative.
  • Complete a sewing project
    • I think we both know I won't do this one.  I mean, I'm still afraid of my sewing machine and it just kind of lingers in my craft room.  Perhaps if I organize the craft room, I won't be so intimidated.  No promises.
  • Complete any project
    • Again, that craft room is holding many of my attempts at craftiness hostage and to finish one would be great.  Stupid Pinterest and your stupid ideas that look easy until I start them.  Gah!
  • Read [at least] one non-professional development book
    • Seriously, I need to get back into my favorites like Jodi Picoult, Nicholas Sparks (le sigh) and Jen Lancaster (I'm so behind Jen, please forgive me).
  • Spring clean this joint
    • I feel like I've made a mini case for each of the above items and why I've been so busy and unable to achieve them.  Imma let you in on a little secret.  I sometimes come down with a case of the lazies or the "I don't give a shits."  Dangerous, but necessary in the creative process.  Sadly, it's the house that takes the hit.  Time to air this place out and clean it up so we can march right into Spring!
  • Finish my first NAEYC portfolio
    • I have to create 2 ginormous binders to show how our center meets the standards of quality and it's just so heavy.  And obnoxious.  I need to suck it up, pour a glass of wine, and get to work showing how awesome our center is!  The teachers have been working on theirs and I need to finish mine!
  • Let my mind wander
    • All of these are great things to tick off my list each day but I'm really trying to remember that this is vacation, not work from home time and it's not always my responsibility to clean.  The house won't fall apart if I take a day or two to be a complete pile on the couch and let myself think.  Sexy, right?  Me, on the couch, in sweatpants with a mug of coffee -- that totally matches my nails -- doing nothing but watching daytime television and thinkin' about stuff?  Yeah, that's exactly why I had to create this list.  :)
So here we are... 2 hours and 38 minutes in.  No phone calls this morning, no texts... just me and my coffee & laptop, writing... shit, maybe I'll start my book!  Any thoughts as to what I should write about?  I honestly plan to write a book about my professional experiences when I figure out who I'm going to be when I grow up, but who knows how long that'll take me... Open to suggestions!

I have to go reheat my coffee and then figure out what to do with the rest of my day... 
What a weird thought.

Mrs. Porch, Staycation Extraordinaire


  1. I eagerly accept all the creative dishes you have to offer. We've been on a pretty good roll so far trying new recipes



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