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Surprising Porch

Well folks, I think I did well this year.  I think I saw a look of genuine surprise on his face when he opened his anniversary gift.  This man is near impossible to shop for and it gets a little stressful since his birthday is coming up next month...  but alas!  I win!

This year, to celebrate our 3rd anniversary, I bought Porch a wooden relief map of the Great Lakes.  This is especially meaningful to us for two reasons:  we're both from the Midwest and grew up with a love of the lakes and we've admired a similar map in different stores and different forms for the past year and a half.  I knew he was into this wooden one we had seen but when we went back, it was gone and the store wouldn't tell us the artist (trying to maintain middle-man status I assume).  I did some Amazon shopping (omg, if I could just buy everything on Amazon, I would) and found something that looked comparable.  Wasn't sure what to expect when the box arrived.  Did a quality check in my office yesterday and was BLOWN AWAY.  I love it so much and can't wait to see it hanging on the wall.

Let's get this bad boy on the wall!

Nailed it.


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