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7 weeks

Merry Christmas little one!  Today we told your great grandparents about you!  The news of your conception & growth brought tears to Great Grandma Kempowski's eyes and made Great Grandpa Kempowski so very happy.  Great Grandma Niermann seemed to know you were coming and said, "I'm so pleased.  I prayed you would have a child."  Words cannot tell you how much you are already loved and how long we've all been praying for you.  It was hard to keep faith at times, but I always knew that someday, you would find us.  We are meant to be your parents and you are destined to be in our family.  Keep growing strong!  You'll have lots of playmates waiting for you at future family gatherings!  It's a boom!  You make me so happy, just knowing that you're here, growing and changing within me.

How far along? 7 weeks
Total weight gain: 3.5 -- but to be fair, I've had no morning sickness (knock on wood) and just survived the holidays & all the treats that come with them.  I'm pretty sure most non-pregnant people gain around this amount!  Either way, I'm going to be working hard to get more exercise and stay healthy for baby!
Maternity clothes?  I hate getting dressed.  I don't have any maternity pants yet but am considering moving in that direction very. soon.
Stretch marks?  None 
Sleep: Up most nights around 2:30 to pee but have been pretty good at falling back asleep.
Best moment this week: Telling Grandma Julie & Grandpa Steve and Jake & Katie while we were up north for Christmas and Grandpa Tom & Grandma Lisa on Christmas Eve.  And we told the Great Grandparents today!  So much love!
Miss anything?  There was a very attractive bloody mary bar at Kempowski's for Christmas but I couldn't figure out how to make a virgin drink without giving myself away.
Food cravings: Nothing really
Anything making you queasy or sick? Felt a little queasy at Christmas dinner; nothing really sounded good so I picked at a few things.  Porch made me egg in a hole in toast when we got  back!
Gender: Too soon to tell, not sure when we'll find out!
Labor signs: Hahaha, so n/a
Symptoms: minimal cramping, constantly peeing, occasional nausea, CRAZY bloating
Belly button in or out?  In (and the idea of it popping scares the shit out of me -- I also fear my scar will burst open and my guts will fall out... rational, I know)
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Super emotional lately; the St. Jude's commercial made me bawl.  So happy to know baby is in there growing!
Looking forward to: Our ultrasound on January 7th (although this will be bittersweet as this is our last appointment with Dr. TK and we will be referred back to my OB/GYN, Dr. Chams) to make sure baby is still growing appropriately and to hear the heartbeat --- OMG to hear the heartbeat!!
Baby is the size of:  blueberry


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