I am a creature of habit, it's what makes me so efficient at work when it comes to our routine paperwork and reports. I thrive on routine. And for many years now, I've been telling parents how much children thrive on routine as well. After our first week of being back to work, Charlotte and I had a great little routine going. It was awesome-sauce and somewhat predictable (as predictable as one week's worth can be). On her first day of school, she slept 6.5 hours that night (!!!!). I woke up at 3:30 and had to check to make sure she was still breathing. Her teachers had her sleeping in her crib and I thought hey, I should start having her nap in her crib at home too since she was doing so well at the center. She was consistently hitting 2.5-3 hour naps and 4-5 hours at night. And then the weekend happened. Ugh. It was rough. And to add to the craziness (in a good way), my parents and brother & sister-in-law came to visit...
A study in parenting, marriage, and life.