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Remembering your brother's sister-in-law's cousin-once-removed's friend

The irony was not lost on me as my ob/gyn casually inquired "What are your plans for birth control?" during my six-week-postpartum visit on Friday afternoon.  I stifled a giggle and reminded him of our struggle to get pregnant and then concluded my response with "The pill, please."

Because yes, it was a four year journey to add Ms. C to our family, but who knows how our second child will come to join us.  It's entirely possible that we could conceive naturally and I certainly do not want to find out the hard way and be surprised by an addition before we're ready.

You know that "inspirational" story everyone tells you when you finally get pregnant after IVF?  You know the one, about so-and-so's brother's sister-in-law's cousin's friend who got pregnant with no problem after doing IVF?  I feel like that is better served as a cautionary tale than an inspirational one.  I was not in a place to hear such a story after finally getting pregnant & having 4 frozen embabies waiting for us (more on that in a later post).  I am in a place to consider it now, with an infant and not wanting to have an 11-month old and a newborn at once.  Well, okay, so I'd probably be okay with that if we had a different lifestyle and if it was our choice rather than a surprise.  Feel me?  Because if we do decide to use our frozen embabies, I'll have to go back on the pill anyway to time my cycle for the FET (frozen embryo transfer).  Plus, it doesn't hurt anything.

So Porch & I discussed our family-planning options and decided it was worth the monthly cost of the birth control pill to ensure (well 99.9% ensure) that our next child is planned or conceived at a time when we are prepared for another baby.  We took the Rx to Walgreens yesterday and when I went to pick it up, the pharmacist somewhat apologized to me (I don't know why) because I can only get 1 month at a time.  I assured him it was fine (we live just around the corner, it's not a big deal to get the prescription monthly) and pulled out my debit card to pay the man and he ever so politely announced, "There's no charge."  Say what?  I'll take it.  With that price, we can't afford not to use the pill!

Baby Porch #2 will come in time... but we'd like to give Ms. C some time to be the baby & give ourselves some time to adjust to this lifestyle before we welcome #2.  Though I have to say, not one person has asked us the "When are you going to have another?" treatment and for that, we thank you.

Momma Porch


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