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Charlotte {1 month}

It's true!  Somehow, a month has already passed and today Ms. Charlotte celebrates her 1-month milestone!
Porch & I stare at her frequently and wonder aloud how we got so lucky to have such an amazing baby to call our daughter.  We also marvel at just how big she looks!  She wasn't small by any means upon arrival, but let me assure you, this girl likes to eat & is gaining weight (hopefully in an appropriate fashion).

|| Charlotte likes ||
... cuddling on Mommy or Daddy's chests
... pacing back and forth down the hallway
... reading stories
... being sung to (her favorite song is Swing Life Away by Rise Against)
... giving people the ocular pat-down with her one eye stare
... eating
... having her forehead rubbed to calm her down

|| Charlotte dislikes ||
*We're pretty aware of Charlotte's dislikes -- she's pretty vocal about it.
... diaper changes
... putting on clothes, especially pants --- forget about shoes or socks
... her crib
... being burped mid-way through her bottle

|| Things Charlotte is undecided about at this point ||
... bath time
... the car seat -- hates getting into it, but enjoys the car/stroller ride
... the K'Tan wrap I bought (has spit up on me every time I attempt to put her into it)

|| Special things we love about Charlotte right now ||
... for the most part, she really only cries when she's hungry or has gas (Gripe Water, kudos to you)
... that smile (who cares if it's still a reflex, it's cute damn it)
... those darn cheeks (I could eat her)
... her farts (sometimes sharts).  They are hilarious to us because we have a 5 year old's sense of humor

|| Milestones ||
...  I try very hard not to 'screen' my infant daughter, but I can't really help myself and have indeed looked over the HELP strands to see if she's on target and she is (of course).  She responds to familiar voices and quiets when held.

|| Dear Charlotte ||
My sweet Squeaker Cheekers,
You are the love of my life without a doubt.  It's been 1 month but it feels like you've always been with us.  We now think about life as before baby and after baby.  It's very different to have a little person to take care of!  Our priorities are different, but you have a pretty easy-going temperament and for the most part are willing to go with the flow.  This will change as you become more alert and spend less of your day sleeping, but it has been a great introduction to parenting.  Sometimes when you're sleeping, I stare at you and wonder what you'll be like when you turn 1... and 5... and 15!  If this past month has gone so quickly, I know that it will feel like I've blinked & suddenly have a big girl on my hands!

You've got a little cold with a stuffy nose & a little baby cough. It hurts my heart to hear you sniffle because you can't blow your nose and don't really know what to do with that mucus yet, but we've been using saline and the bulb syringe (which you hate in the moment, but I think it's working for you).  No fever, so we're just keeping an eye on you & trying to keep you as comfortable as possible.

You're squeaking at me, giving me that warning call before the all-out cry to let me know you're ready to eat and snuggle.

You are so loved Charlie!  I can't wait to see how much you change in the coming month!

This girl is SO long!!!

She doesn't spend much time in her crib, but we're going to work on napping in it this week......

Hanging out in the recliner from Great Grandpa!

Some days, I swear she's gearing up to roll over....

Thanks to Grandpa K for the stickers!  

Those chubby hands......... so kissable.

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Being cute is hard work!

Momma Porch


  1. OHHHH she is so STINKING ADORABLE!!I I just want to eat up her cheeks!!! I literally laughed out loud when she said sharts because Kyle and I can't believe the gas that comes out of Miss Raegan!!! Holy moly! You better watch out! Along with gripe water (which we use) we also use something called "The Windy". Look it up! It has been a life saver when her poor tummy just hurts! I loved reading about Miss Charlie and can't wait for her to celebrate more months! :)


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