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Mama vs. Mrs.

It's not lost on me that when Charlotte came into our lives, I started using "Mama Porch" and abandoned the good old fashioned "Mrs. Porch." This is an issue for me as a mom, a wife, and a human being. I have many official titles to go with the roles I have in my family and work life.  I don't know why I feel I have to use Mama like it's my only role. I struggle so, so much, friends, with the idea that I am something other than (more than?) Charlotte's mom. I love my Mama Bear status, there's no denying that, but I can't help but feel like it has cast a shadow on other, equally important roles.

How do you all balance the roles? I'm not talkin' "get a good organizer" or "have a date night" -- to me, this is a deeper conflict. Maybe this doesn't make sense; maybe you're reading it thinking Damn girl, go grab your coffee and get yo' shit together.  Or maybe, just maybe, you're reading it and wondering how I got inside of your head.  Maybe.

I'm on a journey, folks. I'm going to discover the Danie I am meant to be so that I can be the most helpful to those who surround me.



  1. I don't necessarily feel like 'mama' is all I am but I sure would love if I could be a Mrs. again, as in my husband and I actually getting time together again. Sigh..


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