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Los Porchs' Cheat {Cheesy Bacon Pork Chops}

Sometimes I suspect this could be considered cheating -- but I don't care.  I had a ridiculous day at work and when I got home, I really just wanted to cook it out.  I really think that if you start with something easy (read: pre-made) and add to it, you just can't fail. 

Last night, Porch and I agreed that tonight we'd tackle the pork chops in the freezer and I picked up this beauty right here at Jewel-Osco yesterday on my way home.

Hey, Kraft in no way paid me to say such good things about this little gem, but if they wanted to.... I mean...
So I already  knew this was waiting for me; I had taken out the pork chops last night but (of COURSE), they weren't completely defrosted.  I plopped them into some hot water for a quick minute & got to work.  The kit itself calls for just throwing your chicken/pork/fish into the bag and shaking.  I, however, disagreed and followed this recipe instead:

Whatcha need --
Fresh Take Cheddar Jack & Bacon kit (though truth be told, I will be making my own version of this in the future when the free time grows back onto my tree)
Pork or Chicken (the kit says it'll cover 6 pieces; it also says you can use fish... but ew.)
1 egg, beaten
8-12 strips o' bacon (are you surprised?)
baking sheet

Jump on it --
I opened the kit as directed and mixed the bread crumbs & cheese together before anything else
Dip the meat into the beaten egg and throw it into the bag to coat it
Criss-cross 2 pieces of bacon on a greased baking sheet and wrap your bacon in it (trust me)
Repeat for each piece of meat
Sprinkle remaining mixture on the top and walk to the oven
Let it bake at 350 for roughly 30 minutes, pull it out of the oven and enjoy.

hurry up and bake.

Because the smell of bacon?  Will have you standing at the oven watching it bake through that little window -- Be advised, DO NOT OPEN THE OVEN WHILE BAKING or you'll just make it take longer.  And you're responsible for cleaning that little window when you leave grimy little hand-prints all over it.

Less than 30 minutes tonight -- I win!

Enjoy!  Porch paired tonight's dinner with a red wine.  I wasn't a huge fan, but he enjoyed it!


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