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Los Porchs Go Fishing

Here's a fun fact:  an out-of-state fishing license in Wisconsin is over-the-top expensive.

This is the first year that I've purchased a license, since Momma Bear & Dad are on such a nice little lake, it seemed necessary.  Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I bought it because I had a lot of fun fishing, but was insulted that I have now officially become a FIB.

We arrived up north late Thursday evening (technically Friday morning) and were exhausted but thankful to have avoided most of the holiday traffic.  Had a quiet morning and went into town to do some grocery shopping and stopped to pick up the aforementioned fishing license.  Porch & I journeyed with Mom to Wabeno to do some shopping at the thrift store and found some new places.  Porch found a great new hat and I am convinced he looks like Earlie from Squidbillies (see below).

Spent the day hanging out with Mom & Dad and headed to Beaver's for their fish fry.  Jake & Katie arrived around 9pm and we had dinner and a few drinks before heading back to the cabin.

Saturday we went out on the boat with Katie & Jake, Chris, and Mom & Dad.  They all did great, I did nothing.  Let me rephrase that -- I caught nothing.  And yes, it is possible to catch nothing.  I perfected the art over the entire weekend.

Sunday was a nice day, we went out on my grandpa's old row boat, which is perfect for the no-wake lake.  More fishing, more not-catching, but with Hamms!  That first sip honestly took me back to 2002, my freshman year at Platteville.  Le sigh.

Instant time travel to 2002 and a bonfire out in the country on a crisp fall night.
Le.  Sigh.
We got to spend Sunday evening with my grandparents and family at the Shack.  We had a lovely dinner and then some headed out on the pontoon while others stayed behind.  No clue what the others did as Porch and I headed out on the boat.  And yet again I caught nothing.  Enjoyed being out on the water w/ Emily and Lindsey though.  Wait, whaaaaaat?

Monday we went out on the boat with Chris and Mom/Dad.  I won't even mention how I caught nothing.  I did enjoy some beers though and watching the clouds roll in for a pretty impressive thunder show!

Mom and Dad went home before us (which was a weird experience in its own right, waving to them as they pulled down the driveway).  We walked back down to the boat launch and beach to do some fishing.  I had to take full advantage of that over-priced out-of-state fishing license.  And wouldn't you know it?!

So skinny that when he turned sideways, it was like he wasn't there....
Also he was small.

I finally caught a damn fish! 
Tuesday we cleaned up and headed to Green Bay to visit with our family there.  Stopped in at the Good Will and found a super cute table that will be getting a makeover and likely serve as a nightstand in the guest room.  Also found several books to add to our library.  Had a lovely visit with Dad, Lisa, Grandma, and Christi.  Went out to the Olive Garden for dinner and left stuffed.  Things you can count on, right?

We got back to the city late last night and agreed to simply put the food items in the fridge and deal with the rest today.  I was asleep the moment I hit the pillow.


We're being lazy.
How is that different from all the other days of our vacation, you might ask?
There's no boat.
And my fishing license expired.  It was a four-day pass.

So clearly, it's different.

And did you see what I meant about Porch lookin' like Earlie?!  OMG, every time I look at him in that hat, I can hear Earlie's voice!!!  "Son, there's every chance in the world I was drunk when I said that." 

Mrs. Porch


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