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Yum in Advance

As we prepare for a weekend away with our LaCrosse friends & their two young children, I began thinking that maybe the quickie meals were where it was at -- I proceeded to scour Pinterest (in the name of teamwork) for recipes that I could make & share during our trip.

Breakfast (as made by Porch) features Egg in a Hole in the Toast; we say the entire phrase every single time.  No cheating.  Though sometimes it sounds more like "egginaholeindatoast."  Regardless, Porch is more or less the breakfast guru in this casa & I simply bought the standard ingredients knowing full well that he'll impress.

Lunch shall be Pepperoni Un-Pizza.  Think monkey bread but as a savory choice rather than a sweet finish.  The concept is to take small balls of pizza dough (I bought the tube because it'll be easier to travel with; I don't care how you come to have pizza dough), flatten 'em, put a slice of pepperoni and a small cube of mozzarella (again, I bought string cheese with every intention of simply cubing it for this purpose) and then close into a ball.  Repeat and randomly drop those puppies into a bundt pan sprayed with Pam and then bake.  I'm bringing a marinara sauce as well for dipping these nuggets into!

[Picture will be added after we make it]

Dinner was exceptionally easy -- I made chicken teriyaki that will go into the crock pot.  Yes, I'll have to take my crock pot, but c'mon.  Set it -- and forget it (Ronco, I'm lookin' at you on this one).  I chunked some chicken breasts, red onion, threw in some baby carrots and then added pineapple (with the juice) and topped it off with the teriyaki sauce.  I'm bringing a bag of rice to serve it over.... we'll see.  We'll especially see how the two-year-old wonder feels about this meal choice.  Two's are always the toughest critic.  The best part of my recipe was that it made 2 gallon-sized bags of goodness so I can take one to share and then save 1 (in the freezer) for another day when I'm feeling especially lazy.

I literally made myself cry today while chopping an onion.
 I've never had that happen before nor did I like it.
medium bag o' baby carrots
red onion cut into large chunks
2 large cans of pineapple
4 cloves of garlic
4 chicken breasts
1 C teriyaki sauce
Instructions for the bag:  Add 1/4 C teriyaki sauce to crock pot, cook on low (8 hours) or high (4 hours) & serve over rice.

Chop up your veggies, label the Ziplock bag, throw your meat in, then add the veggies, then everything else. Throw it in the freezer and walk away.  Return several weeks later and enjoy said meal.

Since I bought 2 packages of chicken breasts, I used one of them to make home-made chicken nuggets.  Shit, why not?  Easy as cutting the breasts into more manageable chunks, dipping in egg, and then tossing with some bread crumbs, Parmesan cheese, and a mix of spices.  I'd share the recipe, but I truly believe that you can probably throw a little of everything together and make a decent nugget.  Therefore, go nuts.  Use whatever you'd like and go crazy -- just share your amazing (and not-so-amazing) results!  I baked them for a hot second (like 5 min on each side) and then went ahead and froze them so we can have those as an option.  I may be knocking on 30's door, but I'll never be too old for mac & cheese with chicken nuggets; my palate just continues to be refined.

And for my grand finale, I made the worst, most disgusting thing ever.  You probably won't even like it.  I should probably just not share it with anyone else, I'm afraid they'll get so sick............

Nutella Puppy Chow.  So little needs to be said about this magical concoction other than the fact that it will blow your mind and you'll need to dig deep & channel that will power to walk away from it.  Tonight it was easy since I didn't want to show up this weekend with half a bowl.  Tomorrow, when it's considered fair game, I may have a more difficult time with it.  Regardless, this was like a chocolate dream
I know.  I'll just fork over the recipe already so you can get started.  I get it.

1/2 C butter
1 C Nutella
1.5 C chocolate chipes
1 box (12oz) cereal (such as Chex -- get this -- I used the whole wheat one & therefore have tranformed this dish into a truly healthy food.  I mean, Nutella AND whole wheat Chex?!)
2-3 C powdered sugar

In a pan over medium heat, melt the butter & chocolate chips, stirring constantly.  Do not let that burn.  Bleh.
When all is mixed and melted and delicious, remove it from the heat & stir in your Nutella.
Slowly (!) pour the mixture over the cereal in a large mixing bowl.  Wash your hands & get in there and mix them together.  I fear if you use a spoon, you may destroy your cereal, particularly if you've chosen the un-healthy (gasp) plain Chex.  Add the mix to a Ziplock bag.  Add the powdered sugar (1/2C at a time) and shake in the bag (ummm, should I remind you to close it?) and yell "Shake & Bake!"  Continue until it's lightly coated and amazing.

Be advised -- warm Nutella Puppy Chow?  Is like crack cocaine.

Luckily, Nutella is a health food...  It means I can have extra.

After all, I'm on a diet.

Mrs. Porch


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