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Tiztal Cafe Brunch

Waking up this morning in the wake of last night's 6 additional inches of snow, we laid in bed with our cell phones, researching possible brunch options.  Porch had mentioned this place on Clark that he wanted to try so we looked up the menu and came to a consensus.  Porch and I decided to walk to this new (to us) brunch destination just a few blocks over.  Best.  Decision.  Ever.

We trampled (ever so daintily) through the un-shoveled sidewalks (no joke, at least 6 inches) to get to this magical place.  Check out this drift in front of our garage...

We weren't drivin' anywhere until we shoveled our way out anyway...
and by 'we' I of course mean 'Porch' although he was pretty certain he could just put his
Xterra into 4-wheel drive and get through this drift.
Anyway, all of the reviews of Tiztal Cafe highlight the chilaquiles as the "best."  Porch and I are no strangers to this dish and tend to use it as a bit of a benchmark across the city to see who does it the best.

Well folks, game over.  Tiztal Cafe does it best.  No question.  The presentation of this dish blew us away.  We both ordered the chilaquiles with chorizo.  And boom goes the dynamite.

Shut up and take my money.

I also ordered a strawberry mango apple smoothie that was amazing.  So damn good.  The waitress was so friendly (the entire wait staff came to talk to us at some point I think, offering coffee, checking on us, our waitress even chatted about the Packers -- you know we wore our game day best).  She even brought us little sample "shots" of smoothies and shakes to try.  They have an oatmeal pecan shake that was ridiculous.  Straight up ridiculous.  We also tried the strawberry which was good, but didn't compare to the oatmeal pecan (we should have tried them in reverse order I think).

Either way, these two foodies are in a delightful food coma relaxing before the big game today!  Stay warm, where ever you are friends.  We had a great time on our walk in the snow with the gusts of winds almost knocking me over -- reminded me of my many Wisconsin winters as a kid.  =)


*** Tiztal Cafe did not pay me to promote their business or food; it's just an amazing place that we felt compelled to share with you in hopes that our Chicago friends will check it out & that when our friends and family come to visit, they might want to check it out too! You don't even have to take my word for it, check out their Yelp rating here! ***


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