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11 weeks

This week has (finally) brought some barf.  I know, I know, that's supposed to be the worst part, but listen.  When you don't have the traditional "OMG we're pregnant" moment, it's easy to feel like you're missing out on milestones that other women have -- like a rite of passage.  I had NOTHING.  A brief moment of dry heaving, sure, fine, I get it.  But this weekend, BOOM.  I found myself curled up on the floor in the bathroom feeling disgusting and yet SO wonderful.  It's hard to describe.  After four years of trying, I want it all.  I want the full knocked up experience.  And if that means visiting the bathroom to worship the porcelain throne, I'm all in.  It's reassuring.  

How far along? 11 weeks... almost done with the first trimester already!
Total weight gain:  I'm back down to -.5
Maternity clothes? My new favorite is a pair of maternity leggings that feel like pajamas but can (probably) be pulled off as pants with a tunic.  Holla.
Stretch marks?  None 
Sleep: A normal night involves me getting up at least once, sometimes twice, and on a rough night, three times to stumble to the bathroom.  Trying to stay hydrated but paying for it at bedtime!
Best moment this week: Scheduled our appointment for this Friday to meet a new OB/GYN!
Miss anything?  Sushi?  I don't miss beer AT ALL.  I sincerely hope I get my taste for it back after baby.
Food cravings: Skittles & tater tots.  Not together, but crispy tots, OMG YES!!
Anything making you queasy or sick? I ate some pasta on Saturday night and saw it again just a few hours later... woke up Sunday morning and was sick again.  Nothing since, but definitely queasy.
Gender: Too soon to tell, not sure when we'll find out!
Labor signs: Hahaha, so n/a
Symptoms: constantly peeing, occasional nausea, the girls are sore...
Belly button in or out?  In (and the idea of it popping scares the shit out of me -- I also fear my scar will burst open and my guts will fall out... rational, I know)
Wedding rings on or off: On.  And loose.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!  We're so close to making it Facebook official and I'm hoping to share with my staff this week as well.
Looking forward to:  Our next ultrasound so we can check in on Chalupa Batman and make sure baby is growing appropriately... would love to ease my worries and let myself get into this pregnancy stuff.  I'm still dragging my feet and don't feel like this is "real" yet, even though the symptoms, tests, and ultrasounds all tell me otherwise.  Maybe I'm looking forward to the bump!  Bring on the bump!!!
Baby is the size of:  fig


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