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22 weeks

Time goes so quickly these days!  We have roughly 126 days until Little Miss joins our familia.  It seems like so long, right?  Wrong.  It's so hard to believe that we're already 5 1/2 months into this adventure but I love her movements.  She seems to be really active in the morning around 9 and again in the afternoon and when I lay my hot body down at night to go to bed around 10:30.  I've been reading to her when I get home from work.  Today we read It's Okay to be Different by Todd Parr.  Have I ever told you how much I love Todd Parr?  SO MUCH!  We even used his The Grandma Book and The Grandpa Book  to announce our pregnancy to the grandparents.  We've been talking about the upcoming showers and it's so crazy to think about June (which is seriously just around the corner, is it not) and asking friends and family to save the dates for us to celebrate!  We love to party ;)

I've been thinking about camping this summer and how that might be for me... every beach needs a whale ;)  I think my biggest fear is sleeping on an air mattress which surprises me because I thought my biggest fear would be being the sober one but I'm getting really good at being the sober one (though in full disclosure, I envy some of the drinks they're having).  She's worth it.  I'm not sure if we'll get to do much camping, but I think I'd be game to try it at least once as long as it's early summer (don't need to be goin' into labor while camping)...

... though it would be a sneaky way to have her be a true Wisconsinite.... ;)

How far along? 22 weeks
Total weight gain: Happy to report that Porch thinks I'm all belly & I'm just gonna go with that.  Until the doctor tells me there's something wrong, I'm just gonna go ahead and roll with it.
Maternity clothes?   The Belly Band is still okay-ish but my preference is to wear the maternity leggings with a long tank.  A few pairs of my sweatpants are getting tight which is scary; those are my "be a lazy bum" clothes.  I got a pair of the leggings in capri length to prepare for spring; now I just have to wait for the weather to match!
Stretch marks?  None yet, I have been a lotioning machine because I'm so itchy!
Sleep:  Sometimes it's hard to fall asleep.  Baby bops around a lot right as I'm getting ready to fall asleep so (of course) I have to play with her for  a minute or two before finally getting ready for bed.  :)  
Best moment this week: Porch got to feel the baby kick on Sunday night!  It was so fun to see his expression when he realized that was her!
Miss anything?  I miss Sunday Funday.  But hopefully by football season, I'll be back in action ;)   I'm also missing good sushi; I haven't had much lately and really have only been having the veggie rolls just to be safe.  Also, I miss football.  I cannot wait to be shouting PACK ATTACK once more!
Food cravings: Nothing that I'm aware of ... still have a love for ketchup.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing really... just Mondays ;)
Gender: Baby Girl :)
Labor signs: Not yet!  Keep marinating, love nugget!
Symptoms: The bump is growing!  Like, seriously, growing....
Belly button in or out?  In.
Wedding rings on or off: On.  And loose.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy with mood swings here and there... the emotions are quickly mixed as I think about her impending arrival.
Looking forward to: We're thinking about making an Ikea run this weekend to find some cute touches for her room... and maybe someday we'll have a name for this nugget.  :)  
Baby is the size of:  papaya

The Bump isn't the only thing growin' around here... check out how long my hair has gotten!!
It may be time to chop it off.


  1. Hold on the hair chopping... you will appreciate the ability to throw it in a pony tail when there is baby puke in it :D


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