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6 months!

My fellow infertile homies now on the other side...

Remember that feeling when you found out you were pregnant and you had that urge to buy the Doppler thing so you could check in on your growing nugget whenever you wanted? Ugh I wanted it so badly but decided I would likely be using it every minute of every day and as such decided not to purchase one.
Today at our appointment with the ob, we slammed our orange glucose drink and waited for the blood draw. We saw Dr. G who was just going to take a quick listen with the Doppler. His face said it all before his words did... "Sounds a little irregular. I think we better do an ultrasound." The one time I tell Porch he's all good and doesn't need to accompany me to the appointment is (of course) a time when I needed his calm, level-headed demeanor as I instantly took a trip to What If Town.

I sat in the waiting room for about 15 minutes & was called to the ultrasound room. The nurse who escorted me looked a little nervous too which didn't help me but hey... I sucked it up and braved it.
And our daughter is fine. She's growing normally and when we listened to her heart beat and then watched it on the screen for what felt like 100 hours, it was normal. Dr. G said sometimes it can just be irregular for a little bit. I'm not sure what impact that glucose drink had but I know when I have too much sugar, I feel like my heart is going to explode out of my body. So I'm not sure if it was a response to that or just my daughter, making sure I got to sneak an extra peek at her (she is ADORABLE)... either way, we've earned ourselves a return visit in two weeks to check in on that heartbeat and make sure she's still doing well.

And now for the update....

How far along? 24 weeks
Total weight gain:  11.6 pounds (normal, according to the app)
Maternity clothes?   All hail the yoga pant and it's equally divine sidekick, the maternity legging!  Swoon!  I'm still attempting to wear a few of my non-maternity tops but am quickly realizing that I'll be out of that phase soon.  Just took out the maxi dresses from last year with hopes for warmer weather ahead!
Stretch marks?  None yet
Sleep:  Some nights I can make it through the night, others I end up peeing a few times
Best moment this week: My mom got to feel her kick when we were at their house this weekend!
Miss anything?  I miss being able to move quickly
Food cravings: Nothing really.  Lots of fruit in our diet.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing much, just strong gross garbage smells
Gender: Baby Girl :)
Labor signs: Not yet!  Keep marinating, love nugget!
Symptoms: The bump is noticeable now (I apparently popped over the weekend and I've had many people comment or ask if I"m pregnant for the first time)
Belly button in or out?  In... dangerously close to out.
Wedding rings on or off: On.  Still waiting for my engagement ring to come back to me fixed.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy.
Looking forward to: Warmer weather & getting up north soon and we had a minor scare today at the doctor's office but all is well in the womb.  :)
Baby is the size of:  grapefruit

POP goes the bump! :)

Nothing like an early morning panic attack to celebrate reaching the 6 month mark...



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