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25 weeks

This has been a relatively quite week; we were able to sneak up to my parent's cabin to relax for the weekend and begin making arrangements for the baby's baptism.  We opened the car seat/stroller combo that my father-in-law and mother-in-law gave us and were pumped to think about Baby Porch being here in the next 15 weeks (my app says 105 days to go but we all know we're on her schedule now).  We're excited to brew the batch of beer that we'll have at the baby shower and I'll be working on some crafty projects for a May wedding -- the perfect rainy weekend activities!  Once I figure out how to defeat this heartburn, I will be ready to rock!  

How far along? 25 weeks
Total weight gain:  11.6 pounds (normal, according to the app)
Maternity clothes?   I've given up on pants that aren't yoga or maternity.  Shirts-wise, I need the length of the maternity tops because I HATE pulling my shirt down a billion times a day.  Plus side, my options are limited and getting dressed in the morning has never been easier!
Stretch marks?  None yet
Sleep:  Some nights I can make it through the night, others I end up peeing a few times.  Last night I met my least favorite symptom head on:  I woke up at 12:00 with the WORST heartburn of my life.  I wanted to cry.  And the baby was just rollin' away in my belly so I at least had a form of entertainment while I sat awake for an hour and a half.
Best moment this week: Being up north this weekend at the cabin & meeting the priest who will baptize the baby!
Miss anything?  I miss being able to sneak behind chairs.  Now I feel like I'm saying "excuse me, sorry, excuse me" all the time.
Food cravings: Nothing really.  Lots of fruit in our diet.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing much, just strong gross garbage smells
Gender: Baby Girl :)
Labor signs: Not yet!  Keep marinating, love nugget!
Symptoms: The bump, heartburn (sometimes even Tums don't help -- am open to your suggestions), some hip pain
Belly button in or out? Still in... waiting for the moment it pops.
Wedding rings on or off: On.  Still waiting for my engagement ring to come back to me fixed.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy.
Looking forward to: Doctor's appointment on Tuesday to check in and make sure all is well with baby & that her heartbeat is still strong.  Judging by her movements lately, I'm not too worried.
Baby is the size of:  zucchini


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