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10 weeks to go!

How far along? 30 weeks

Total weight gain:  Huzzah!  Nurse told me today I only gained 1 pound since my visit 2 weeks ago.  As the weather gets hotter, it's harder to eat those bigger meals.  I graze on fruit, water, and ice cream.  ;)  I am officially up 16 pounds.  I am having a butterball baby, am I not?

Maternity clothes?  You know it!  I have a few yoga-ish pants that are non-maternity and a skirt with a similar waistband so I have a few pieces that I can pull off that are not officially maternity wear.  I'm happiest in shorts & a tank top when home and in a maxi dress or skirt when at work.

Stretch marks?  None yet!  I slather my belly with Burt's Bee's Mama Bee Belly Butter every night.  My scar is looking red and angry, but no stretch marks that I've seen (and believe me, I look).

Sleep: Every now and then I'll have a random night that I sleep straight through, but for the most part, I am up at least once to pee and once to chew some Tums.  The good part is that I can do this in a zombie like trance that requires minimal effort. It's getting more difficult to find what I like to call the "sweet spot" in which I can fall asleep happily.

Best moment this week: I did it!  I went camping at 29 (almost 30) weeks and survived.  To be honest, it was really no big deal.  The worst part was sleeping on an air mattress that wasn't quite full and getting up in the middle of the night to pee (though I have to say, I am pretty proud of my abilities in that department).  It was fabulous to see some of our friends from college and have a weekend where it was socially acceptable to inhale donuts before breakfast.

Miss anything?  I don't miss much.  When I start to miss things, I just remind myself that in 10 short weeks, she will be here and I'll have to share her with the world.  I'm really enjoying all of her kicks and turns, though they get a little tiresome as I'm trying to fall asleep at night.  

Food cravings: Damn it, there better be cravings coming.  :)  There has been nothing that I have wanted so badly that I would drop everything to get or ask Porch to get.  

Anything making you queasy or sick? Smoke.  Smoking a disgusting habit that I don't really get but as I walked to my appointment with Dr. G today, this older gentleman was smoking a pipe that made me want to do two things:  punch him in the gut and throw up on his shoes.  I despise the way pipe tobacco smells as it stirs up some upsetting emotions for me and walking into his smoke today set me off.  Bleh.  If you smoke, you should stop.  Haha, I know it's an addiction, but seriously.  Just stop.

Gender: Baby Girl :)

Labor signs: Not yet!  She's got some time left to bake, even though when I walk into our preschool classroom at work, a little girl very sweetly asks me if my baby is still inside.  Every. Single. Time.  Keep in mind that I'm in that room roughly 1,000,000 times a day.

Symptoms: The bump, heartburn, hip pain, pregnancy brain (doesn't seem too crazy, just frustrating when I forget silly stuff at work)

Belly button in or out? Still in... perhaps there's a chance I can avoid the outie situation. 

Wedding rings on or off: On, though I suspect as things get hotter here in Chicago, my fat little fingers will get too chubby.

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!  And busy!  I keep finding projects to do and think I might finally be nesting at home.  I cleaned out the back pantry this weekend when we got back from camping... just because.  We have several piles of things to take to Goodwill and I am so pleased to see the last box gone!  Of course, this is at a time when we're seriously discussing a move home to Wisconsin next spring when our lease is up and I'm done with school.  Oh well, it's worth it.  I just need more time in a day to get everything done; I have to take a billion breaks as I work on things.

Looking forward to: I'm honestly most excited for our 32 week ultrasound in 2 weeks because I haven't seen her in a while and I am so excited to see that sweet face.  I'm also looking forward to kicking ass at work and having my shit together before I leave for maternity leave so I can peace out and be home with the baby and not worry about what's going on in the center.  I'm like 75% there.  Kinda.

Baby is the size of:  A large head of cabbage (least appealing food reference yet)

Feeling good & loving all of her movements!


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