My parents hosted a beer-themed couple's shower for us this weekend and I was able to snap a few pictures of the amazing work my mom & sister-in-law did to prepare for the party. Seriously, this party was amazing & I cannot thank them enough for all of their planning. Special shout out to my cousin who came early to help us get everything set up. There are more pictures to come from the shower, but I'm making an effort to get things done in the moment I think of them and not putting things off for later, as later typically results in me being exhausted and uncomfortable. I'm seizing the carp.
So let's consider this part 1 of maybe 2 or 3? A mini series, if you will.
We got home around 6 and I am pretty proud to say that most everything has been put away, gift-wise. I even started my thank yous! It's all getting real now, as I realize there are only like 8 weeks left until my time is dominated by the needs of our new daughter! Squeeeeeee!
Guests were invited to create a unique onesie for Baby Porch!
They turned out GREAT! |
Guests left their wishes for Baby; some were sweet... some were...
written while under the influence ;) |
My Mom & Sister in Law helped me etch pint glasses to give to guests as favors.
They all said "cheers" in various languages. |
Porch brewed two beers just for the shower:
A brown ale (Brown Bear, Brown Bear)
A cream ale (And the Cow Jumped Over the Moon)
this was a Spotted Cow clone |
Hehehe I love it |
My cousin & aunt got us this adorable diaper cake & I just had to snap a quick picture! |
I love the idea of a joint shower that way everyone can have a great time! Looks like it was a lot of fun :)