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33 weeks

It's weird:  people are asking me how many days are left now as opposed to weeks (49, if you're curious).  They wonder if we're ready.  They ask about maternity leave. They talk about the baby as though she were already here.  This. is. real.  This shit is happening to us!  It's not just a dream!  I know we still have a little time to go, but it's so unreal that this is my life.  This is my family.  

But what's not unreal?  This girl has more clothes than I do.  I know this because I'm currently in the midst of washing all of her teeny tiny clothes (those socks -- gah!) and bedding.  These are the moments that bring it all into perspective.  My daughter is coming to meet us in the next 49 days (+/- a few).  What a crazy thought.  And when we talk about moving to Milwaukee?  I remember that we'll be moving with a small child (and I think about how much fun that'll be).  There's just so much to look forward to, I'm busting at the seams with excitement (and baby).

How far along? 33 weeks

Total weight gain:  It was a busy weekend with my mom's cooking and lots of goodies so it doesn't surprise me to share that I am up to a total gain of 17.6 pounds.  I can't wait to be able to walk like a normal person again & lose the waddle ;)

Maternity clothes?  Honestly, these waistbands are amazing, although even my maternity pants are starting to feel snug in the belly.  She's getting bigger!  I need to get my hands on some more skirts I think.  Not too many, because.... she'll be here soon!  No need to get carried away!

Stretch marks?  Still no stretch marks to speak of!

Sleep: Still attempting sleep in a "Danie Taco" formation.  I typically turn from my left to right side every 30 minutes during the night.  I'm up at least once a night to use the bathroom.  And, if I'm truly lucky, I will have a midnight snack of Tums somewhere in my evening.

Best moment this week: The beer garden themed baby shower this past weekend at my parents was amazing.  They throw a damn good party.  Granted, I was a little jealous I couldn't partake in the beer situation, but I was just so happy to see so much of my family and spend some time relaxing on the back patio in the evening with some of our good friends from college (and high school -- shout out to my bff and her hubby as they hit the 20 week milestone of their first pregnancy this week) and my parents.  It was nothing short of amazing.  To feel how much love this little girl already has in her life is overwhelming.

The addition of white lights on the pergola has somehow made this area more magical.
See what I mean?  So dreamy.
Comparing bumps!
32.5 weeks vs. 20 weeks

Miss anything?  I don't miss much.  I miss sleeping comfortably; I keep thinking that when she gets here and I'm awake all night with her, at least I'll be able to go back to sleeping the way I want and not be limited by her peanut body in my belly. I am at a point where I am SO eager to meet our daughter, but I also keep reminding myself not to cheat myself out of these last few moments of pregnancy.  Some mommies don't get to carry their babies this long and I am savoring that our baby is safely marinating in there and will come when the time is right for her.  

Food cravings:  Still nothing big in the craving world.  Maybe coffee... more so a tall iced caramel macchiatofrom Starbucks.  It's the best way to get my morning rolling and get all of my caffeine intake out of the way for the day ;)

Anything making you queasy or sick? Being hot makes me super nauseous.  And crabby.

Gender: Baby Girl :)

Labor signs: Not yet

Symptoms: The bump, ninja kicks to the ribs, some discomfort in the pelvic bone area

Belly button in or out? Still in...  though it looks like an outie through my shirt, which is weird and I do not like it.

Wedding rings on or off: On -- and loose... which seems counter-intuitive, but whatever.

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy, like in this weird, surreal, I cannot believe this is happening to me kind of way.  We've had two amazing baby showers and this child has been showered in gifts and love galore.  I opened a package of diapers and that was the moment that it hit me.  The smell of baby powder and the realization that in no time at all, our baby will be here, in these itty bitty diapers and then just as soon as we catch our breath, she'll be moving into the next size.  It's such a crazy thought.

Looking forward to: Maternity pictures this weekend with the fabulous Bobbi at The Salty Peanut Photography in Sun Prairie, WI.  Porch & I went to college with Bobbi and have enjoyed seeing her find this path and dominate it!  We're excited to have pictures to remember this time in our lives.

Baby is the size of: pineapple (seems huge, right?!)

Wearing my UW-Platteville tank tonight!
Thinking about the impact of the recent tornadoes & how much I hate severe weather.


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