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32 weeks

How far along? 32 weeks

Total weight gain:  I gained 1 pound since my last visit 2 weeks ago putting me at 17 pounds total so far (I don't know how that can be, given my propensity for Drumsticks).

Maternity clothes?  I still have a few things that aren't "maternity" but are generous with space.  

Stretch marks?  None yet!  I slather my belly with Burt's Bee's Mama Bee Belly Butter every night.  My scar is looking red and angry, but no stretch marks that I've seen (and believe me, I look).

Sleep: If we're calling it sleep... it's difficult.  I have the big maternity pillow and then end up cramming two king sized pillows into the horseshoe shape and making what I affectionately call a "Danie Taco."  And seriously?   I'm back to a first trimester level of exhaustion.  Last night, I was falling asleep at like 8:30 in the living room and went to bed -- slept until 6:15.  I only woke up twice to use the restroom, which is pretty amazing.

Best moment this week: Our Green Bay baby shower was this past weekend.  I wanted to include pictures in this post, but realize I need more time to think about everything and upload pictures.  Hopefully I'll get that done this week!  

Miss anything?  I don't miss much... though I will say I miss sleep (I know, I know, I can kiss that goodbye anyway) but I miss it in quality, not quantity.  I don't mind getting up a  million times a night, but I am struggling with this whole "helpless" angle of not being able to get up from a chair or the bed myself.

Food cravings: The closest I think I've come to a craving is Drumsticks, but that's mostly because I love ice cream and having a Drumstick saves me from having to wash another dish.   

Anything making you queasy or sick? Being hot makes me super nauseous.  And crabby.

Gender: Baby Girl :)

Labor signs: Not yet

Symptoms: The bump, ninja kicks to the ribs... the heartburn seems to have somewhat subsided (*knock on wood*) though I may have figured out how to manage it better too.

Belly button in or out? Still in... perhaps there's a chance I can avoid the outie situation. 

Wedding rings on or off: On -- and loose... which seems weird.

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy!  Nothing makes me happier than standing in the nursery and seeing her teeny tiny socks and onesies.  Seriously?  Let's do this.

Looking forward to: My family is hosting a baby shower this weekend in Ashippun and we're excited!  It's a couples shower so we'll get to see some of our good friends from college and just sit around and drink beer while we catch up (well, I won't have beer, but you get the point).  My mom, dad, and sister-in-law have been tirelessly planning this shower for months & I am so excited to see the fruits of their labor.

Baby is the size of: bok choy

Not sure what bok choy is?  It's a Chinese cabbage.  

I've been catching lots of elbows to my ribs lately.
She's lucky I love her.


  1. Hahaha I love my ice cream too! You're doing good though! I was at 30 pounds by 32 weeks! You're looking good!


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