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10 Things I'll miss about this place

With our upcoming moving, it only seems fair to pay tribute to the original Casa de Los Porchs.  If we're being honest, the new place doesn't have a name yet and that's making me feel uncomfortable.  Like the way OCD senses tingle when 1 marker is facing the wrong way in the package make me feel uncomfortable.  Unsettled.  Yes, that's the word.

Here are the top 10 things I will miss about our current home (in no particular, well maybe a little, order):

1. In-unit laundry.  Okay, I know I'm lazy.  Our washer/dryer will now be in the basement of our building instead of being by the front door of our place.  What does this mean?  Two things:  I have to share with others (ahaha, we all know how that goes) and?  This is the big one -- I probably shouldn't do my laundry in my pajamas.  We're hoping that we can convince the landlord to let us install a stack-able in our unit, but until then?  Stairs.  Thankfully, it's not that many.  But -- and there will be more on this later -- that new basement?  Scares the shit out of me.  I swear it's haunted.

2. The curved walls.  Not familiar?  Really?  Then you don't visit enough.  They just really make the place feel homey and warm.

3. My bad-ass walk-in closet.  The closets at the new place will suffice and are considerably large for a rehabbed building, but they'll never compare to this gem.

4.  The balcony.  I feel as though there's little that needs to be said to describe this aspect; it's hands-down my favorite feature of this unit and we've spent many nights grilling, drinking, and entertaining on this amazing balcony.


We did, after all, plant Barnabe on this balcony.  It's his birthplace.

The view?  Doesn't suck.
5.  The neighborhood park. I know there are parks in every neighborhood, but I watched them make this park.  We loved being able to see the progress from our first apartment together on the 9th floor and when they finally opened it, we automatically felt like we belonged.  We've spent quite a few afternoons hanging out, especially with the sweet picnic basket I got from my Aunt J for Christmas a few years back.  We also purposely cut through the park whenever we're out walking -- it's an adorable space and is a little piece of our hometowns right here in the city.  Grass is good.

We've been known to load this baby up with wine and snacks and head to the park with our books. 
Los Porchs love literacy.
How about that alliteration?  Amazing right?
The view of our old place from the park. 
I guess it just made us feel like we had never really left!

6.  The fireplace.  Granted, the new place has one, it's just not a working one.  I suppose we could try to finagle a gas one in or something, but it's just not going to feel the same as what we're workin' with now.

7.  The full guest bath.  It's quite lovely for our guests to have their own bathroom to use while they're here.  The new place has 1.5 bath and while we're pleased with that, it means we have to keep our full bath a little more tidy.  Ugh.

In line with this one, I'll also be missing how the master bath is attached to our bedroom.
Now I'll have to walk across the hall.
Seems like no big deal, right?  Suck it up Mrs. Porch is what you're saying, no?
I don't wanna.

8. The vibe.  Because this is a newer building (10 years), the vibe is much more modern.  I love the feeling at our new place, but it's much more home-ier and feels like what Porch & I are accustomed to growing up in rather than this hip, modern, soft-loft vibe that we're currently in.  Then again, Porch claims the new place is suitable for "raising someone" so that must be a good sign.

9. Location, location, location.  True -- we're headed to Uptown and remain relatively close to downtown and the lake, it's just not the same!  When we have work downtown now, we'll have to take transit rather than just walking.  Boo!  We'll also be required to take transit to eat at some of our favorite restaurants.  Yes, I know we'll find new places to love, but Porch and I are creatures of habit who enjoy knowing our delivery guy on a first name basis.  Do. Not. Judge.  Even yet, we'll be further from the Interstate and I suspect some people will struggle to find us.  Currently, it's one turn off of the Interstate and you're there!  Now -- you're gonna need that map.

10.  The memories.  It's hard to explain, but I am an overly emotional person who easily attaches memories to items and places (I think this makes me dangerously close to being a hoarder).  This home has brought us so many good memories and friends that it's just plain sad to say goodbye!  We're excited to move into a larger place where we can raise a family (hopefully our own) but there's just so many great memories here -- if these walls could talk, man, they'd never shut up.

That's a baby Barnabe right there!  :)
Wherever we go, as long as we're together, we'll always be home.

We're hoping that our family and friends will visit and help us create many more memories!


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