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Los Porchs Find a New Home {Vintage Style}

April 1 can't come soon enough!  Okay, it can and it will.  There is much to be packed and organized and labeled to death before the big move.  Making matters even crazier?  I won't be here to offer supervision of this move -- which is driving me crazy.

Here's a sneak peek at our new place -- we signed the lease on February 29 and though we arrived at 7:30, we didn't leave until almost 11pm.  I'm excited to have a landlord who enjoys a good beer and can chat about food & entertainment the way we do!  I'm also excited that we found a place with the vintage-y feel with rehabbing done.

They did an amazing job of maintaining the personality of the building while bringing it up to today's standards.
The listing boasted 4 bedrooms and 1.5 bathrooms.  Let the record show that there are 2 (good-sized) bedrooms, 2 small (won't fit a bed) bedrooms, 1.5 bathrooms, and the biggest flippin' living space I've ever seen.  I fully realize the pictures won't do it justice -- get over it and enjoy my new favorite game:

"How to Decorate Los Porchs New Place"

It's amazing.  I could stand in that blank slate for hours and my greatest urge is to jump on Pinterest and figure out a plan.  Go ahead.  Soak it in.  Let it marinate.  Then share what you would do with this amazingly mold-able space!

The living room

Sunroom (complete with green carpeting -- GO PACK!)

The full bathroom

Half bath
 Guest bedroom

The kitchen

Dining room

There's so much to love about this place and we are so excited to add our flair.  Can you imagine how amazing the 3rd Annual Catalina Wine Mixer will be at this place?!  Le sigh.


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