So the nerd in me has been spending the day looking at
fonts online and playing with them in Word.
I’ve been searching for the “perfect” font that looks like my actual
handwriting. So far, it’s close but just
not there yet. I’m guessing I will eventually
have to bite the bullet and actually scan my handwriting into an actual
font. I’ve never done that before, but
it seems like a pretty fun thing to do! Have
you ever done this? I have fairly decent handwriting... Any
suggestions? I got lots of great fonts
from and have
loved every single one! It’s definitely
worth checking out.
Hi, it's me - I know it's been a while, but I've been deep inside that bubble I mentioned when everything first happened in November 2020 and I am starting to emerge having done some serious healing and navigating within the trauma of being a suicide survivor and a sole parent. This has nothing to do with that though. I'm dumping this thought here because I need it documented: You know how the conservative crowd tends to use "Well I don't have any children, why should I help pay for the schools?" and "People are just too lazy to work, I don't know why we need social services to help people pay for their child care and food?" I'm noticing those are the same voices I hear in restaurants complaining that there are no servers. No bartenders. No one available to change their oil or to do other trade work. And no one to watch their children. The CEO of the company I work for posted a big response about how child care is the gatekeeper to folks...
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