This may shock you all, but I am a little shy sometimes. I don't know why. In fact, it's not a very consistent level of shyness either because some days I'm bold and willing to approach most anyone and others, I can't find the gusto to walk up to someone who I
think I recognize from my friend's recent wedding party. So we're sitting at the table with friends and I notice this chick and am 90% sure it's her. I even went so far as to pull up the wedding pictures on Facebook to see if I could get a better comparison... but she wasn't wearing her glasses for the wedding pictures. Three beers later, I magically had found my courage and made my approach. Good news -- it was her. And so we chatted and all was well. With that off my mind, I could get into the dueling pianos.
We (first and) last saw each other in August, where we were both bridesmaids in a mutual amazing friend's wedding. |
As they often do, things started to get more entertaining as the night continued on... before I know it, we're all singing along and I won't lie -- I saw some dancing. Someone, who shall remain nameless (but was not me) was up on the pianos workin' the shit out of a tambourine. Speaking of tambourines, there was a guy there who played the tambourine like it was his duty. I heard someone say they thought he worked there, so I suppose that's the reason he was working the room? Yo no sepa.
It's worth mentioning that our evening began at Los Porch's favorite neighborhood bar -- Beer Bistro -- with dinner and drinks. If you've ever had the pleasure of sitting in the back booth, you're aware of the mermaid and the pose I'm about to strike (both in the picture below and in real life as I type because it's just that funny to me today)...
Things get ridiculous with Los Porchs sometimes, I'll be the first to admit. |
We were excited to meet up with a buddy of ours from college and his lady friend who I've heard so many amazing things about but never had the pleasure of meeting...
I mostly blocked their faces for their own good, but also because it's funny. |
... And I brought Mr. Porch and one of my dearest friends, Amy. Ever recounted how you met someone and had the light bulb moment where you realize just how old you've gotten? "Yeah, this is my friend Amy. We were roommates in college our freshman and sophomore years... in 2002. Holy sh----" Yes. That was indeed my moment last night. 10 years Amy? Seriously? I don't know where they went, but I'm glad you've been around for them all!
I suppose it's worth noting that I've known Porch just as long. I'm a pretty lucky lady when it comes to friends, I feel like I've got the best people in my life!
We're having people over next weekend to say goodbye our Casa de Los Porchs (West Loop edition) and are seriously contemplating making people use Irish accents the entire day. Because Los Porchs? Are ridiculous.
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