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Nana Julie's Pumpkin Bread

Around here, it's just not fall until I've made a batch of bread or muffins using my mom's recipe.  It is honestly the most moist bread you will ever eat (thanks in part to copious amounts of oil) and for us, it just tastes like memories.  Whenever I eat it, I think of my momma who was kind enough years ago to share her recipe with me and in the spirit of sharing, I am now sharing it with you!  Happy Fall, ya'll!

Not so much on West Coast of Florida.. :(  I love Florida in the winter, the rest of the year, you can have it!!

Nana Julie's Famous Pumpkin Bread

5 eggs
1 1/4 C oil
1 can (15 oz) pumpkin
2C flour
2C sugar
2 small boxes of vanilla pudding
1t baking soda
1t cinnamon
1/2t salt
* chocolate chips (I added these for the first time this year and will likely do so moving forward, just throw in whatever you have, the whole bag does nicely)

Beat eggs, add oil & pumpkin
Combine other ingredients & slowly add to mix
Pour into 2 loaf pans (I like to make muffins instead as they're way easier to eat in the car or on the go)

Bake at 325 for 75-80 min (if doing loaves -- I did about 20 minutes for muffins, but it obviously will depend on your oven)

Fall can officially begin!


  1. This sounds wonderful!! I believe I will try this out soon, thanks for sharing!


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