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26 weeks

Because the OB is downtown, we take the red line down and this is normally uneventful.  Today was the first time I felt "big."  Anyone who has taken the subway knows the amount of balance needed to ride while standing.  Normally, not an issue.  I'm fairly good at it actually.  Today.... today there were at least 3 instances in which I felt like I was going to fall over.  Thankfully, there's a Cubs game tonight and the train was fairly packed (hence me not having a seat) so fellow riders just kinda held me up in those moments.  I am getting to the point where I may need to sit.  

On a somewhat related note, I had headphones in while riding to and from the appointment.  On the way back, I couldn't help but laugh out loud as I jammed to some old-school Kenny Chesney.  There's something delightfully heartwarming about listening to "She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy" while taking in the Chicago skyline.  

How far along? 26 weeks
Total weight gain:  16 pounds ya'll
Maternity clothes? Stretchy pants are the bomb.  I'm eagerly anticipating the arrival of spring weather so I can bust out the maxi dresses!  Shirts-wise, I need the length of the maternity tops because I HATE pulling my shirt down a billion times a day.  Plus side, my options are limited and getting dressed in the morning has never been easier!
Stretch marks?  None yet
Sleep:  What a joke.  It's like a ridiculous game of Russian roulette; I never know if I'll sleep straight through the night or wake up with the heartburn of doom.  Any guesses how much hair she'll be born with?
Best moment this week: Got to hear the baby's heartbeat today & she is "perfect."  It was the quickest
appointment ever (!!) and we also learned that I do not have c
holestasis, which we tested for last appointment because of how incredibly itchy I had been -- like life-altering itchy.
Miss anything?  I miss being able to sneak behind chairs and get my butt up off the floor when I'm done playing with the kids at the center.
Food cravings: Nothing really.  
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing 
Gender: Baby Girl :)
Labor signs: Not yet!  Even though there's a little girl at the center who asks me every. single. time. I see here if the baby is here yet.  Seriously, she's up to like 4 times already today.
Symptoms: The bump, heartburn (thank God for milk and Tums at 1:30am), some hip pain, waddlin' like a preggo
Belly button in or out? Still in... afraid to cough or laugh for fear it might just pop.
Wedding rings on or off: On.  I got my engagement ring back and am so excited to have it back on my hand where it belongs!!
Happy or moody most of the time:  Try to be happy though I will say that my emotions get amped up which can be hard to process.  Drama irritates me.
Looking forward to:  We're going to a wedding this weekend & I am pumped to have a slow dance with the hubs and a sweet baby between us.
Baby is the size of:  eggplant  (YUM!)

Happy & Healthy at 26 weeks
Also, learning how to be graceful when so front-heavy


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