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The perfect weekend

I know you're supposed to put things out into the universe if you want them to happen, so I spent all of the past week talking about how beautiful the weather would be for the holiday weekend and acknowledged that while we may not get to use the new Oasis Island that Porch & I bought at Costco, we would be happy just to see sunshine.  Dang!  Wisconsin delivered!  We had sunshine and warm weather the whole weekend.  We didn't see any rain until we were on our way home!

Source:  Amazon

Saturday morning, the ladies worked on shower favors.  That task turned out to be... a little more time-consuming than anticipated.  Let's just say my mom and I have some "homework" to do before the shower!  We packed up the coolers and decided to unwind at the beach!  Porch inflated the Oasis Island and we actually got all six of us on it.  It needed more air, but it was a great time!  Went to dinner together and came home to have a campfire.
We got to try out the new Oasis Island!!  And I got a sun burn!
Sunday we agreed not to spend the nice day inside working on those favors so we made some sandwiches and ran errands to restock the coolers.  As the guys loaded the Oasis Island into the truck, it snagged on the truck and got a nice hole in it.  What a bummer!  Porch was able to apply a patch right away and it seems to be ready to go again, but we took the tubes down.  I definitely got some color this weekend -- red is a color ;)  My grandparents came over with my aunt, uncle, and cousin (who is about to turn 1) and we did a BYOM (bring your own meat) dinner.  There's honestly no where I'm happier than sitting around the table with my family, enjoying a homemade meal, in northern Wisconsin.

This sunset my mom captured pretty much sums it up.
This morning, we woke up and had breakfast before we rolled out.  Stopped by Porch's dad's place and got to see his family for a while before making the long trek back to Chicago.  We drove through several downpours but managed to beat the rain to Chicago and had everything unpacked and indoors before the rain caught up to us.  

It's Monday night.  We plan (pending weather) to camp this weekend in Kenosha, Wisconsin (not quite as far north as we were this weekend).  We just refilled the air mattress that had a hole in it.  Porch patched it up last week so now we're just waiting to see if it's good to go.  I don't want to buy another air mattress, especially if we can just patch this one up and roll with it.  Picture my 7 month pregnant booty getting up to pee a million times a night... hehe, kinda funny, right?  We'll see!  For the most part, I feel ready to tackle this camping trip.

We are so fortunate to have the ability to drive such a short distance and feel so refreshed (and exhausted) upon our return.  Our families are so wonderful to us and on this day, Memorial Day, we give thanks to those who made the ultimate sacrifice so that families could have freedom.  What an amazing gift.


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