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Welcome to the 3rd Trimester!

I can hardly believe that today marks the start of the 3rd trimester.  Seems like just yesterday I was staring in disbelief at that pee stick, terrified of losing the baby, hesitant to share our news because I thought it would "jinx" us.  I still have those moments of panic, I don't think they ever really leave us, but I am better able to talk myself back down.  And just when I need it, she gives me a swift kick. And I find myself smiling at other expecting mothers when we cross paths. My heart is heavy for those who are still waiting for their time to parent but I finally think I've come to terms with it being my time! 

How far along? 27 weeks
Total weight gain:  normal
Maternity clothes?  We're thisclose to maxi dress season, I can feel it.
Stretch marks?  None yet
Sleep: It's been a while since I've made it through the night and I guess that's okay, it's good preparation for when she's here with us.
Best moment this week: We celebrated a college friend's wedding and then spent the weekend in our college town; dang does that make me feel old!  We bought her a onesie though... some of our best memories (or lack there of) are from that dinky little town!  
Baby Girl also did some weird moving last night while we were watching tv and I just stopped what I was doing and stared at my belly.  It was definitely an appendage, but I'm not sure what it was... it was just so exciting to think about how big she's getting in there.  I love it.  I totally get why people have more than one pregnancy; all of the crappy symptoms aside, feeling that baby wiggle in my belly makes me giggle and appreciate what my body has done.  I'm so proud of my body!!
Miss anything?  My ability to do it all.  Haha, but seriously.  I get tired easily and have to sit down when I get home (and then struggle to get back up to accomplish anything).
Food cravings: Nothing really.   
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing much, though the smell of old popcorn kinda made me gag this morning.
Gender: Baby Girl :)
Labor signs: Not yet!  Keep marinating, love nugget!
Symptoms: The bump, heartburn, some hip pain
Belly button in or out? Still in... I really thought it was going to pop this weekend!  It's getting stretched and looks funny.
Wedding rings on or off: On.  
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy, although drama still annoys me.  Greatly.
Looking forward to: This weekend, we'll probably just be chillin' around home and then comes Memorial Day weekend!  We're headed north to spend the long weekend with my family at the cabin & work on shower gifts.  :)  And *hopefully* get out on the boat; I know, I know, I know, it won't be warm enough to swim, but just being on the lake makes me happy.  We may need to get our fishing license while we're up there!  
Baby is the size of:  cauliflower (silly, right?)

Loving this maxi dress from Target


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