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29 weeks

There's something odd about the realization that next week we'll be at 30 weeks.  I find myself nesting at work more than I do at home.  I'm trying to tie up loose ends and make sure that things are ready for the summer while I'm out.  

I've been in good spirits and still have the "I can still do this" mentality which for the most part has done me well.  I find myself exhausted at the end of the day and have to do tasks in baby steps with some couch breaks.  

I noticed that I'm starting to think more and more about delivery and the concept of bringing home baby.  I haven't had any Braxton Hicks contractions that I'm aware of but I wonder!  My mom told me this weekend that both my brother & I (I'm the first born) were born about a week early and that the labor process was fairly quick (I believe I took about 4 hours -- RIGHT?!).  I'm hoping for a similar experience, though I am fully aware that everyone is different.  And anyone who knows Porch likely understands why I am a little concerned about the size of the baby... and her head.

We're about as ready as I think we'll be, though to be honest, once we had the car seat I pretty much felt ready... I mean, it's pretty much all you need to be discharged & from there, it's survival of the fittest.  Porch's family is throwing a shower in Green Bay on June 14th. My family is hosting a couples's shower on June 21 and I am pumped for it!  Porch even brewed some beer in honor of this event!  We're pretty lucky people to have family who love us that much!  

How far along? 29 weeks

Total weight gain:  normal... I still feel like it's mostly baby 

Maternity clothes?  You know it!  Yoga pants are still a favorite though I'm into the maternity capris my mom bought me waaay back when we found out I was pregnant! Such a forward-thinker!  I need to find a few pairs of shorts and I do believe I'll be able to make it to 40 weeks... it is only 40 weeks, right? 

Stretch marks?  None yet!  I slather my belly with Burt's Bee's Mama Bee Belly Butter every night.  My scar is looking red and angry, but no stretch marks that I've seen (and believe me, I look).

Sleep: I slept through the night twice this holiday weekend while at my parent's cabin -- didn't get up to use the restroom OR to take Tums!  Win!  Though I paid for it later I guess... Sunday & Monday nights I woke up for both.  Womp womp.

Best moment this week: Working on the shower favors with my mom and SIL this weekend and getting to hit the beach!  Amazing!  These pregnant toes were all up in that sand.

Miss anything?  I miss being able to paint my toenails do anything for an extended period of time without feeling like I ran a marathon.

Food cravings: No real cravings yet... are they ever going to happen?

Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing really.

Gender: Baby Girl :)

Labor signs: Not yet! I was reading the baby book (yes, we have a baby book from our RE but it's not the What to Expect book, thank goodness, that book is crap) and am curious to know what Braxton Hicks contractions will feel like.

Symptoms: The bump, heartburn, hip pain, pregnancy brain (doesn't seem too crazy, just frustrating when I forget silly stuff at work)

Belly button in or out? Still in... perhaps there's a chance I can avoid the outie situation. 

Wedding rings on or off: On.  

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy camper usually... especially when she's bumping around in there.  So much to be thankful for.  

Looking forward to: We're headed out on a camping trip this weekend!  We'll see how we do with the air mattress situation...

Baby is the size of:  Butternut squash

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