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28 Weeks

Today marks 28 weeks and I get a little sad when I think about the fact that there are just 12 weeks remaining until we meet this peanut.  I'm pumped to meet her and have someone to hang out with for 6 weeks while we're home together, but I'm also so in love with her kicking and dancing in there that I already know I will miss it.  Seems silly, I'm sure, but she and I have been homies for 28 weeks, getting to know each other and it's hard to believe this time is almost over!  

I feel big, but only in the belly, which makes me feel really awkward.  In CTA news, most people have offered me a seat on the train when I get on, although after the Cubs game last week, no dice.  The main point of my presentation here is that I think I'm starting to look "pregnant enough" for the pregnant lady courtesies that well-adjusted members of society might extend.  It's weird because I hate to be seen as weak, but let's face it, I'm growing a human and move at the speed of a turtle.  I'll take all the help I can get.  And this isn't permanent... in no time at all, I will have a stroller to deal with too.  Not quite ready for that thought just yet, nor am I quite ready to process "the miracle of child birth."  I'm playing stupid until the time gets just a little closer.  

How far along? 28 weeks

Total weight gain:  normal... I still feel like it's mostly baby 

Maternity clothes?  You know it!  I am happiest when in yoga pants.  Today I was able to wear a maxi dress (finallllly) and it was delightful.

Stretch marks?  None yet

Sleep: It's been a while since I've made it through the night and I guess that's okay, it's good preparation for when she's here with us.  I've made my peace with it.  Though the midnight heartburn pandemic, I could do without.

Best moment this week: We're closer to agreeing on a name, I think... maybe?

Miss anything?  I miss being able to paint my toenails without feeling like I ran a marathon.

Food cravings: Nothing really... and that's kinda bumming me out.  Am I going to get through all 40 weeks without a "gotta have it right now" craving?  I've waited so long to be that pregnant chick with the weird cravings and so far, nothing.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing really.

Gender: Baby Girl :)

Labor signs: Not yet! I was reading the baby book (yes, we have a baby book from our RE but it's not the What to Expect book, thank goodness, that book is crap) and am curious to know what Braxton Hicks contractions will feel like.

Symptoms: The bump (seriously, I can barely shave my legs at this point without getting winded), heartburn (the first thing I eat in the morning and the last thing I eat at night... Tums.  Though today Dr. G said I could take something a little stronger to deal with it since it's gotten to be an all-day extravaganza), some hip pain, pregnancy brain (this might be my biggest complaint thus far -- I hate making stupid mistakes and that's all I seem to do lately).

Belly button in or out? Still in... perhaps there's a chance I can avoid the outie situation. 

Wedding rings on or off: On.  

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy camper usually... especially when she's bumping around in there.  So much to be thankful for.  

Looking forward to: We're headed north for the weekend to spend Memorial Day weekend in the woods.  I'm hoping for sunshine and warm-ish weather, I won't even ask for more.  To be able to get out on the boat would be enough for me.  We'll be making the shower gifts so I'm excited for that too. 

Baby is the size of:  She is currently the size of a head of iceberg lettuce, which for some reason seems big to me.  Perhaps because when we started, she was the size of a sesame seed?

Displaying PhotoGrid_1400622741399.jpg
It's maxi dress season!


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